Recruiting Elite Traders

Want to share your trading skills? Welcome to our platform as you will receive 1000-1000000 USDT for trades once you pass the application. Come show off your skills!

Trader Benefits

    1. Maximum 1 Million Funds: Once the application is approved, the platform will distribute 1000-100000 USDT to your account based on your past trades and funds.

    2. High Profit Sharing: When the profit rate is 50% (profit rate = profit / account funds), you can receive 10% share of profits in futures account and earn up to 10% share of profit for copy trading.

    3. Secure Trading: XT absorbs all account losses for risk-free trading.

    4. Contract Signing for Top Traders: Up to 1,000,000 USDT for those continously in-profit for 1 whole month. Come sign up as a XT trader and enjoy this exclusive support.

How to become an XT Elite Trader? Futures Trading

    1. Apply to be an Elite TraderApplication Portal

    2. The applicant's account has ≥ 10 transactions in XT Futures containing at least 10 USDT.

    3. After submitting the application, the reviewer will assess the fundings limit based on the information submitted and available funds in your account, which on average is 2-10 times the amount of the user’s account funds.

    4. After the application is approved, please transfer your futures assets as soon as possible. XT will distribute trading funds to your futures account while disabling the transfer function.

    5. When you become a trader, you should complete at least 3 transactions every day.

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